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EMDR Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing Therapy

Evidence based psychological therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other trauma related issues.

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When a person is very distressed, the brain is unable to process the experience as it normally would. Therefore when we experience traumatic or distressing events, the memories of these events may not be properly processed or stored in the part of the brain where our normal memories are stored.  These memories may not feel like they are fully in the past and can be easily triggered causing ongoing distress.   When thinking of the memory it’s as if we are re-experiencing the feelings, thoughts, beliefs and physical sensations that occurred at the time of event.  When we think of these memories we can experience very strong emotions or we can shut down so that we feel nothing. 

What is EMDR and how does it work?

Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapy that helps to process these distressing memories and store them in the right place.  After EMDR therapy, the memory of the event is still there however it is less distressing.   The person no longer feels as if they are re-living the images, sounds and feelings of the memory.


Who can benefit from EMDR?
EMDR is an effective and evidenced based psychotherapy that can help people recover from trauma and other  distressing events. It is also a useful therapy to support people who are living with a range of mental health issues such as phobias, depression, anxiety and addictions.


Readiness for EMDR Therapy
There are several factors to be taken into consideration when determining whether EMDR is an appropriate therapy option. It is important to know that whilst EMDR is an effective and evidence based psychotherapy, like all therapy approaches, it may not be a suitable treatment option for everyone. Your EMDR therapist is well trained to identify readiness for EMDR Therapy and will discuss any concerns about readiness with you.


What can I expect with EMDR treatment?

Prior to EMDR being conducted, the counsellor will spend a few sessions assessing your history and readiness for EMDR as well as developing a treatment plan.  During these initial sessions, the therapist will ensure you are equipped with several different strategies to manage emotional distress.  


An EMDR session lasts between 60 -90 minutes.   The number of EMDR sessions required will depend on the nature and history of the trauma.  In some cases where there has been a single recent traumatic event, one or two EMDR sessions may be all that is required.  The number of EMDR sessions will depend on your life circumstances and the amount of previous trauma you have experienced.


Is EMDR an evidenced based psychological therapy?

There is very good evidence to show that EMDR is an effective form of treatment for decreasing or eliminating symptoms of PTSD.   EMDR has been recognised as an effective treatment by many Australian and international organisations including World Health Organisation (WHO),  Australian Psychological Society  (APS), Phoenix Australia – Centre for Post Traumatic Mental Health, The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies  and the American Psychiatric Association.


Can any practitioner provide EMDR therapy?

The EMDR Association of Australia (EMDRAA) is the professional association that sets the standards for the clinical use of EMDR therapy in Australia.  EMDR is an advanced psychotherapy that requires a high level of skill and only experienced mental health professionals who are fully registered with a professional association can apply to undertake EMDR therapy training.


Are Medicare rebates available for EMDR therapy?

EMDR therapy is an approved psychological focused therapy attracting Medicare rebates if referred by a GP under a mental health care plan.



 (08) 6115 0215


Unit 3,   22 Prospect Road,  Armadale 6112, WA

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